16 heinäkuun, 2024

VETUS sailing team competing in ”Maristo Cup”


At the moment, the prestigious sailing yacht regatta “Maristo Cup” is taking place in the Baltic Sea.
This year, VETUS is represented in the race by four incredible sailors as the VETUS Sailing Team
“Maristo Cup” is the longest regatta in Poland and second in the waters of the Baltic Sea in which participants have to overcome 600 miles. The route leads from Poland around the Island of Gotland (with pitstop in Visby) and Gotska Sandön that need to go around the right side, with the finish line in Poland. 28 yachts take part in the regatta. After a few days of competition our VETUS Sailing Team is in the forefront of the peloton (see map). All the luck to our Sailing Team and we will keep you updated on the outcome of the race!

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